Wednesday 29 September 2010


Well I've been graduated for almost 2 months now and as yet had 2 interviews for care work - both of which politely declined my offer of slavish service mmmm not a promising start.

On a brighter note I've hooked up with a fellow graduate in Contemporary Theatre Practice who has started an Academy for performing arts. Like myself 'A' is an older, single mum with enough enthusiasm for fill the globe! but most of all she has a steel core that will not deviate.

First session with mixed aged group was certainly an eye opener ( having forgotten just how to control a group of primary kids ) I did my best to go with the flow . I'm not a 'flow' sort of person but loved the vibe, the eagerness and the idea of putting on a show so can't wait for next week !

Without being too EAT PRAY LOVE I'm determined to enjoy what life has to offer even if it's not what I want. I shall try to live in terms of what I need from now on.

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