Monday 10 May 2010

Life in 5 Bullet Points

Wow, it's been ages since my last post and how life and my concerns have changed ;
  1. I've finished uni. I'm virtually unemployable, have hit the glass ceiling of MA's, PGCE's, a career and any other ways to better myself due to crippling poverty, time running out ( I'm 43 for Christ's sake and boy does my body know it.)
  2. My eldest has completed his GCSE's - is a bit of a brain box, has it all to play for, which is good
  3. My middle 'un's turning into a trouble making, weed smoking, gansta rap loving, trouser down his arse kinda cool 15 year old. ( Chip off the old block but not so good this side of the fence)
  4. 'Baby Girl' is getting her hormones etc and is a feisty, msn, face-book addict, who is prepared to fight for her computer time rights and on top of that is just so lippy, you've got to see/hear it to believe her blossoming intuitive female logic.
  5. Oh yes I'm now an Aunty 3x over which is great, we also bred a kitten which, well 4 to be precise but we only kept the 1- though 2 still visit.
And that's pretty much all that happened to me since 2008.

Mmmm condensed into 5 bullet points it doesn't seem a great deal.

But hey, that's how the cookie crumbles so maybe things aren't so different after all. It took a a few attempts to log on and by pass security but as all my pass words have been the same since I was 37, there's a comforting reassurance that Cyber space remembers me at least. To be far if I hadn't been able to log on I could have quite happily lived my life at Yoville, decorating, trading up . buying stuff, shopping and just chatting to who ever. All things I might have sniffed at not so long ago.

I sure lots more has happened but for now it's just good to be writing and not worrying too much about much at all.

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