Monday 15 September 2008

This is all too much...

Well what have I started a book or a blog. I'm not so naive as not not know that this is the lazy person way of writing a book but hey, it might get read and if it does who knows? 
The reason I'm starting this thing anyhow is because today has been too much...

 The day started quiet enough, if anything maybe too quiet no fussing over lost stuff (the kids more of them later). I even managed to do things that have  needed doing ie prove to my solicitor that I am indeed a virtual pauper and in need of financial assistance to divorce him, I mean How can I possibly be expected to sleep with him just to keep the peace whenever he decides to grace us with his presence which was roughly 14 weeks ago ( not That really counting) with one phone call in all that time. 
(NB  keep a diary of his comings and going to use a evidence to damn in court)
So why has it been all too much? a rhetorical question as I know the answer and you don't. I could be going out of my mind (according to son number 1; this is a real possibility after all I did down 2 cans of cider yesterday. I am a single mum most of the time and I MIGHT LET THE SIDE SOWN IF I DIDN'T OCCASSIONALLY. I had just tackled the jungle that is our back garden, which I am a slave to amongst other things.) So I could be going out of my mind but today having negotiated the morning with relative ease I had to walk past the house of E who has just found out that the youth who randomly broke into her house last summer and attempted to steal her purse. Which reminds me, another neighbour has tried to get son number 2 to gossip about theses events on MSN. This has meant a huge row , lecture and generally hectoring of  sons 1 & 2 about the perils of gossip (no irony intended) I keep pointing out that nothing is random and that terrible things can befall snitches and gossips (no irony intented). Anyway this youth it seems may not be so random after all but none other a product of 'wild oats'  sewn before her own two dear children were born. Fiction doesn't come much rounder! Personally I think it's all part of lives rich tapestry and that men really don't always know much better in these matters.

That isn't the event that has made today too much. The too much part come from that fact that a young woman of 21 feels that it is appropriate to combine a job stripping and not the wall paper kind either, with the final year of a her degree. What is it to me I hear you ask. Am I some sort of evangelical zealot opposed to young woman with pert breasted after mine have drooped and sagged post kinder /pre menopause. Well yes and no. I do want her to keep her mind on her degree because frankly as I am her partner in this part of the degree course and yes maybe going to university at 38 could be construed as a pre menopausal glitch that other woman deal with by getting a little job or taking up jogging or for the really brave ones embarking on an affair. I need her to get up in the morning after flashing her bits and be bright eyed and bushy tailed ( no pun intended) she can't possibly be ready to give drama workshops to jaded 13 yr olds after spending all night having fivers and teners posted in her G string can she? Again rhetorical she cannot. 

I have spent the last 4 yrs on this course, forgoing high heeled shoes to fit in with the students. The last 4yrs cracking up over deadlines and aging significantly reading late into the night to get things done. It really is too much...  

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