Saturday 27 April 2013

Arg ! Technology 1 Me 0 aka growing OLD


it's official I hate technology. I may have said this before but the number of passwords I'm required to remember and the staggering choice on everything form how to cook cabbage to what to wear, how to sleep what to eat is turning me into a wreck who is unable to do even the most mundane task without first consulting the GGG (Great God Google).

The ability to trust my gut instinct is almost non existent. I truly don't dare give son No 2 a kick up the arse in case the experts are right and I'm just inflicting a future psychotic on society. It seems that there are experts are out there on just about every conceivable subject on earth and who am I to disagree ?

I know I'm getting on. Baby tells me every day just how far my decline has advanced, whether it be new grey hairs, wrinkles or new saggy bits. I'm told if I dress inappropriately, that I snore and that I really just very out of touch with all that is young and beautiful. Well it maybe time for this Momma to fight back !

I'm gearing myself up for the Selfish Years, the years when I get to door exactly what I want - whether that's sleeping all day, eating nothing but porridge for the week and spending my money on me !

 And as for technology, well I will persevere it's here to stay after all and let's face it you need to use it or loose it . So here goes ! x

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