Thursday 14 October 2010

Following in the footsteps of deliquents....whilst the show must go on!

I really pissed off, really really pissed off......

What started as a fairly okay day,(forgetting the mountain of dirty laundry, dishes and the fact that I no longer have any curtains in the back room)has deteriorated into a, well I've already said.

I managed to side step the kind people at the 'jobcentre', present my pay slip from my day at the chocolate factory and find out what I need to know about not being around to collect my fortnightly money, cos I'm off on my hols with all the family. So far so good, despite a minor wobble last night when my sister's husband nearly broke his ankle playing football - which would have meant no holiday for him, her or their two boys. That would have have put a slight dampener on the holiday but thankfully it was only a sprain (Ligaments etc).

I didn't like to say that ligaments nag on for ever or maybe I did, at the moment I feel as if I'm hanging on to my sanity by my finger nails. But even that didn't seem too bad.

Nor did the fact that I'm getting an impressive list of rejection letters. Or the fact that employers want experience not qualifications on paper the eternal Catch 22. Or even the fact that my dream and I use that loosely to become a teacher or a social worker seems to be retreating into the sparkly mist that swirls above my head and cushions the footsteps of those who walk on the glass ceiling above my head. No I was coping with that and the fact the my husband lives in a flat around the corner ( note to self - how do I feel about that ? Have i buried thins so deeply? )

On top of that Son Number 1 will soon leave home and I'm sure I've forgotten to teach him about how life really is, the essentials of looking after oneself or the harsher realities of of being piss poor.Will he ever remember his phone or key or even his wallet, never mind the usual intricacies of washing machines, hoovers, dustbins and the final mystery of what happens to empty toilet rolls. There's also the matter of what does happen if you eat nothing other than takeaway curry for six weeks (you turn native I presume)

Also I find my opinion way down low on the list of opinions Baby rates as worthy.So as she swans off to the school disco looking like a cross between a summer deb and a paedos wet dream, I bit my lip and tear at the skin between my toes well into the small hours whilst waiting the shopping channel.
Other people get drunk by it's only thursday and I don't want to let go just yet, hey I was the shining beacon my kids once revered. I can't become the slush/junky that lurks beneath the surface just yet.
I had potential you know....

No what has really done it is that Son Number 2 has been involved in 'Blue Tack Gate' which would be funny if he wasn't on a final warning and in his last compulsory year of school. Which 6th form (ha ! as if he'd even consider)would take him or college for that matter?
Aren't all colleges just crying out for expelled, no grader?

After all Al Capone, Cary Grant,Ray Winstone, Guy Ritchie,Woody Allen, Marlon Brando, Salvador Dal. Kevin Spacey, Charlie Sheen, Steve Bilko, Humphrey Bogart, Bruce Dickinson and Percy Bysshe Shelley were all expelled. And that's just the famous ones!

He doesn't have a trust fund, famous parent, 'good' connections or an obvious talent like sport or singing - so this is quite a big deal. I guess sometimes all you can do is get prepared and cross your fingers......

And he pulled down the curtains with his weights.....some people.....

On a brighter note the Christmas drama is evolving, I'm looking forward to seeing that through and the kids have started to regard me less as a voodooo witch (Them being good Catholics absolved of sin on a weekly basis) and more of an adult that will give them one to one attention in a club with a 1:10 adult : kid ratio. These are kids that either love drama or the parents love the £3 per for 2 hours after school care. Whatever it is, in a roomful of lovies and HUGE characters,1 on 1 is a rarity.

Oh well back to the coal face, and not in factitious way, I did wake up to see the Chilean miners being rescued so I know the coal face is no laughing matter !